by Staff Writer | Oct 16, 2020 | health, Pain Relief
Sleep is essential to our overall health, and when it eludes you, no matter what the circumstances, it can make whatever ails you even worse. Our bodies use sleep to regulate, heal, and revitalize cells so you can start your next day refreshed. But when there is a...
by Staff Writer | Oct 14, 2020 | Pain Relief, wellness
Young or old, no one is discriminated against when it comes to joint pain. Typically, knee pain occurs when there is some friction or issue at the joint from injury or overuse. While age plays a factor since walking and repeated exercise can and will over time wear...
by Aaron | Mar 19, 2020 | Pain Relief
The word inflammation can conjure up all types of mental images. First, there’s chronic inflammation, which usually lasts a long time but is less severe. Then there is acute inflammation. This type usually occurs during injury, such as spraining your ankle or tearing...