Skin tags are amongst the most common skin conditions where an estimated 50-60% of the general population will experience one of these growths within their lifetime. Skin tags can become a nuisance for anyone, with many of these growths appearing in high friction skin folding areas like the neck, armpits, groin, and eyelids.
Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are a completely benign skin growth that consists of a skin growth connected to the body by a stalk called a peduncle. The exact mechanism behind how these growths form is not completely understood but risk factors like obesity, genetics, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease have been shown to have a correlation.
While skin tags are benign, this isn’t the only factor to be considered with individuals that have these growths. Skin tags can cause irritation to the skin, can snag on clothing, and can be a source of self-consciousness.
Whatever the reason, there are many potential solutions to get rid of a skin tag, which include surgical intervention, cryotherapy, cauterization, and at-home homeopathic treatments.
The truth about skin tags is that there is no preventative measure an individual can take to fully eliminate the chances of developing skin tags. Each growth needs to be treated after the fact and with most in-office procedures, this can get expensive. Exhausting at-home homeopathic remedies before resorting to removal procedures is a great option to save money.
Surgical Intervention
The first thing many people think of when they think of skin tag removal is the surgical removal of the growth. This is one of the most effective means of removing a skin tag, as after the excision procedure, the skin tag is no longer on the body at all. While it provides immediate relief of the skin tag, it can be a costly procedure and could be sore and tender at the site of the removal.
The surgical procedure is also known as a snip excision. For many healthcare professionals, the snip excision treatment option is reserved for larger skin tags where cryotherapy and cauterization may be less effective.
The procedure involves getting a local anesthetic injection around the base of the peduncle followed by the snipping of the growth either through the use of surgical scissors or a scalpel. The excision can be followed by a stitch or cauterization depending on the size and amount of vascularization to the tissue.
While surgical intervention provides immediate results, it is important to acknowledge the cons to the procedure in addition to the advantage of providing immediate results. A typical snip procedure is not covered through standard medical insurance, and as such, can leave a patient stuck with a large bill for a small, cosmetic surgical procedure. In addition, skin tag snip excisions create open wounds that require post-operative care to ensure the wound is clean. Any open wound can subject an individual to infection and the snip procedure requires more thoughtful post-operative care than other treatments.
Cryotherapy is another effective way to get rid of skin tags. The cryotherapy treatment option is a less invasive treatment option when compared to the surgical intervention as there is no puncturing of the skin. The main difference between this treatment option and surgery is that
The cryotherapy treatment is essentially the freezing of the skin tag. When the human skin cells are frozen, the fluids within the cell crystallize. This, along with the reduced blood supply due to the cold, results in the affected tissue dying. This is the same concept behind frostbite.
Cryotherapy can be accomplished through many different techniques. In some instances, liquid nitrogen will be applied directly to the growth, where it will freeze the excess tissue. Other procedures for more sensitive areas like the eyes involve the freezing of forceps in liquid nitrogen and the application of the supercooled forceps to the skin tag.
All of these procedures aim to freeze the cells in the growth and kill them. As opposed to surgery, the skin tag will still be attached after the procedure. After a couple of days of a successful treatment, the skin tag will begin to necrotize, and within 2 weeks, fall off.
Just like the surgical option, it is important to note key disadvantages to this treatment option. The cryotherapy treatment involves an in-person visit to a dermatologist, which can become expensive without insurance coverage. Another point to consider is that multiple cryotherapy sessions may be required depending on the results of the initial procedure. Having to go into the office for multiple treatments is not only a hassle, but it can also mean more out of pocket for the removal of those stubborn skin tags.

Another effective method for removing skin tags is the cauterization of the growth. The procedure results in the immediate removal of the skin tag and results in a small burn wound.
Cauterization is a technique that involves the burning of a part of the body to remove or cease bleeding. For skin tags, cauterization provides a similar result to surgical excision but carries the benefit of a decreased chance of bleeding.
For the cauterization of a skin tag, the procedure may begin with the application of some anesthetic. After numbing, the cauterization device is utilized to sever the base of the skin tag from the rest of the skin. There are many different electrosurgery techniques and devices that can be utilized, however, in the end, they all result in the immediate and effective removal of the skin tag.
Cauterization of skin tags requires similar post-operative care to that of surgical excision, however, the wound will not need stitches or any other intervention to limit bleeding or promote wound closure since the cauterization procedure itself closes the wound in the process.
The downside to the cauterization procedure are the risks of skin burns during the procedure as well as the costs associated with the procedure. Typically cauterization devices are expensive and as such, it can result in a higher procedure cost to the patient. The procedure itself can also be unpleasant or uncomfortable for the patient during and after.
Homeopathic Treatments
Homeopathic treatments are a great option for those looking for at-home solutions to their skin tags. Going to the dermatologist for a skin tag removal is not always feasible for everyone and having a possible way to resolve the growths at home can be a necessary option. Essential oils and other natural substances are amongst the most popular homeopathic solutions to skin tag removal.
The majority of homeopathic solutions work by drying out the lesion to the point that it falls off. While this can work, applying raw concentrates of these ingredients on their own directly to the skin can result in the drying of the surrounding skin and result in irritation.
Finding a formula that contains the key active ingredients in addition to moisturizing and healing agents like hemp seed oil, turmeric, and aloe will ensure that the surrounding skin remains moisturized and happy.
Products like the End Tag Skin Tag Remover offer the perfect at-home solution to getting rid of skin tag growths. The core formula allows for an easy removal experience all from the comfort of home. Simply apply 3 times daily, and in a period of 3-6 weeks, the skin tag will dry and flake away.
Before treating a skin tag, it is advised to ensure that it is correctly identified as a skin tag and not another kind of skin growth. This is important to ensure the treatment chosen is right for the kind of blemish. Identification can be done by any primary care physician, and it is advised to have this identification performed before starting any form of natural remedy.
Overall skin tags are a common issue that many adults face at least once within their lifetime. There are many options to choose from to get rid of skin tags. This includes surgery, cryotherapy, cauterization, and homeopathic treatment options. Surgery, cryotherapy, and cauterization all require an in-office visit to a physician which can end up costing a large out of pocket amount as skin tag removals are typically not covered under insurance.
Each treatment option poses different pros and cons but perhaps the most cost-efficient and least invasive of these remedies is homeopathic treatment. End Tag is a great solution that can leave your skin tag-free with simple applications of the core natural formula 3 times a day.
With a 30-day money-back guarantee, Hempvana is a company that stands behind its products so you can rest assured that you are buying a product that works!